Friday, June 01, 2007


I found this on my recently salvaged hard drive. The ASCII art is from August 2001, but it predicts the events of April 2007.

                GOD IS DEAD!                   You didn't hurt me,
                 AND NO ONE CARES!              nothing can hurt me,
            ___   ,                    \=\    ___  , you didn't hurt me,
           /  \\                        \\   /  \\     nothing can stop
          [-[-]=)                        \\ [-[-]=)      me now...
          /_   |%                         \\/_   |%
           {o} |(\                         \\{-} |(\
          ,-#//--.                         ,-`#//--.
     \=/ /        )                         \       )
      \\ /\|NIN |_|                          |NIN |_|
       \V/ |    ||                           |    ||
        V  |    ||                           |    ||
           |    ||                           |    ||
           |___'))                           |___'))
           | |  |                            | |  |
           | |  |                            | |  |
           | |  |                            | |  |
           ( |  |                            ( |  |
           | |  |                            | |  |
          _|_|__|                           _|_|__|
jg       (___(__)                          (___(__)

Spooky... Except maybe I shave better nowadays, and maybe they didn't play Ruiner.

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